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This emergency and extraordinary meeting took place in Saudi Arabia.

Ghaziabad : The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is an intergovernmental organization founded in response to the arson attack on the Al-Aqsa Mosque on August 21, 1969. The Organization of the Islamic Cooperation was founded at a summit in Rabat, Morocco on September 25, 1969.

 Two enemy Muslim countries came together for Gaza? The reason why major decisions could not be taken in the meeting is well known.

 " *The cat went for Hajj after eating 900 rats.* "

 All the countries must have heard this for the first time that a country that creates terrorists is calling other countries as terrorists.

 Today, in the OIC meeting by creating extremist groups on 3 fronts, Iran is trying to turn Israel's army into terrorists, the one which itself gave birth to terrorist groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthi, is calling Israel a terrorist country in the meeting today.
 Arab countries have not been able to bow down Israel diplomatically,
  Iran also just kept threatening military action.

 " *three leaves of the roof* "
 That's why all these baseless and absurd things were completely rejected by 6 Muslim countries along with Saudi Arabia.

 The country which took this step to honor the soul.

  " *If you break the hive of a bee, it will bite* "

 Ravindra Arya

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