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Samvid Gurukulam, Mathura Vrindavan and Solan are famous for practical education in Himachal Pradesh.:-Ravindra Arya

Ghaziabad : Sanvid Gurukulam is the first girls school in Mathura Vrindavan. And also located in Solan Himachal Pradesh. This Gurukul is famous for its holistic education system, Guru-Shishya tradition, natural environment, and practical education. Here girls are provided opportunities for physical, mental, and spiritual development, so that they can be prepared to live a balanced and self-reliant life.
*An overview of the features of Sanvid Gurukulam:*
*Practical Education*: Practical knowledge is also provided to the students here. Agriculture, handicrafts, and other life skills are taught, so that the students can become self-reliant in various fields of life.
*Discipline and Ethics*: Special attention is given to discipline and moral values ​​in Samvid Gurukulam. Students learn to live a disciplined life and follow high standards of ethics.
*Small Class Size*: There are limited number of students in each class, which improves individual attention and quality of teaching. This helps in understanding the problems and needs of the students in a better way and providing solutions.
*Cultural Enrichment*: Special importance is given to Indian culture and traditions here. Students are connected to their cultural roots through festivals, religious events, and cultural programs.
*Community Spirit*: A sense of community and cooperation is promoted in Samvid Gurukulam. Students learn to work together and strive for collective interests.
Due to these characteristics Samvid Gurukulam is known as an excellent educational institution, which provides complete and balanced development to its students.
Team Leader from Sanvid Gurukulam Solan, Himachal Pradesh - Gp Capt MVR Bharat (Retd) has put in over 27 years of impeccable service in the IAF. He is an ex-NDA officer who was commissioned in the Flying Branch (FN) and has flown HS-748, AN-32 and B-737 aircraft. He is a qualified Naval Instructor with instructional tenures at the National Defence Academy and Air Force Academy. He is a qualified Group Testing Officer who has also served in two Selection Boards and the Defence Institute of Psychological Research (DRDO).
In a recent camp, Sanvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School Vrindavan had won the CATC 31 NCC Camp.
Sanvid Gurukulam Girls Sainik School located in Vrindavan has recently displayed its talent in the CATC 31 NCC Camp organized by 11 Uttar Pradesh Battalion NCC (11 UP BN NCC). This camp was organized in OD campus, where students from about 12 schools and colleges participated.
Sanvid Gurukulam performed excellently in various sports competitions and won a total of 19 medals. The school team secured first place in the volleyball competition, while it secured second place in tug of war. As a result of these achievements, the school received 9 gold and 10 silver medals.
Camp Commandant Colonel Rajat Pandey was present as the chief guest in this felicitation ceremony. He presented medals and certificates to the winning students. In his address, Colonel Pandey praised the discipline, hard work and team spirit of the students and wished them all the best for the future.
The Principal of Samvid Gurukulam also expressed her pride on this great achievement of the students and motivated them to touch greater heights. Nandini Sugandh, Sports Coach and CTO/ANO of the school played a vital role in making the students achieve this feat. She appreciated the hard work and dedication of the students and motivated them to be prepared for future competitions.
There is a festive atmosphere in the school campus on this unique achievement of the school, and everyone together celebrated this success.

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